Completed Series: Part 1

I decided today that I’d make a post of my completed series because I find these posts interesting to read.I decided to split this post up into two parts so that it wouldn’t be too long. I won’t talk about each one in a lot of detail because then this post would be really long but I will talk about my overall opinion of the series. These will be ordered in chronological order from the first series I completed to the latest series I completed and it will only include series where all the books have been released(excluding companion novels).

Continue reading Completed Series: Part 1

Top Ten Fantasy Books I Want To Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish.

This week we were told to pick a genre and make a list of books that we want to read from that genre or books that you can’t believe you haven’t read from that genre, so I decided to go with fantasy. I love fantasy books and there are a lot of them that I have yet to read so I thought I’d make a list of them.

Continue reading Top Ten Fantasy Books I Want To Read

Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To

It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week it is our top ten 2014 releases that we meant to read but didn’t get around to. Here are my 10 books.

Continue reading Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To

Favourite Book Covers I

Hello! Today I thought I’d do a post about some of my favourite book covers. However, there are many fabulous book covers so I shall be doing this in parts over the next couple of days/weeks. These parts are not organised in any way and I’m just literally going to be showing you the covers and telling you why I love them so much.This list is going to include books I’ve loved, books I’ve disliked and books I haven’t even read yet but I plan on reading. Let’s get started.

Legend Series by Marie Lu

legend series

Look at how stunning those covers are! I love the fact that they don’t have too much on them but instead focus on one big thing that actually relates to the story! However, these don’t look as pretty on my bookshelf because I have the original Legend cover which isn’t sold anymore, except for in Spanish so of course my series does not match at all. Sigh. Cover changes suck but I have to admit these new covers are so gorgeous, I can’t even tell you how much I enjoy these covers(especially Champion).


Covenant Series by Jennifer L Armentrout

covenant series

Aren’t they absolutely stunning? These covers are simplisitic with no people on them at all(which is a big deal considering the covers to her Lux series) but also the fact that each one has different colour just makes me love them anymore. The new UK covers are also similar to this but slightly different however I love both. I don’t know why I love these so much but I do. ( check out my whole series review if you’re intrigued by the covers)

Gone series by Michael Grant


Here are the UK and US covers of this series. Can you tell which ones I like? The simplicity of the UK covers just make it look so much more dramatic than the US covers which are just ridiculously cheesy. I own the first two books in this series but I haven’t bought the others because they were originally sold with coloured pages(different colours for each book, another technique I love in a book design) however now they’ve stopped doing it and I can’t have two with coloured pages and the rest without!


Rites of Passage by Joy N. Hensley

rites of passage

This cover, I’m not sure why I like. However I do really enjoy it because it is again simplistic. Plain black background with a dog tag on it. I’m not sure what else to say about except for the fact that I love it and it represents the book amazingly. ( Also if you’re interested check out my review of this book).

Not A Drop To Drink duology by Mindy McGinnis


These covers are literally book porn. I could stare at them for hours because that is just how beautiful they are. I  love how they follow a trend in the series and how they are set over a beautiful landscape, which really represents the book. The complete rawness of the covers represent the books exactly and I love that about it.( Check out my review of the first book here and my review of the second book here).

Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger

let the sky fall

How can one not love these covers? Yes I would prefer them much more if there wasn’t anybody on them or even if they looked less awkward but I love them none the less. I don’t know what this series is about, all I know is that they have beautiful covers and I want to own them.


Okay that was the first 6 of my favourite covers. In total, I have 48 so I was thinking of splitting this into 8 different posts that I will post over the next couple of weeks because then they won’t be too long and it will hopefully give me something to post every week. Thanks for reading and see you next time.
